EQT Corporation and Green Field Energy Services Team Up for Eco-Friendly Hydraulic Drilling Process

EQT Corporation and Green Field Energy Services announced on Monday that they had achieved a major milestone in the hydraulic fracturing field.  Using pumps powered entirely by “field” gas, or gas supplied from a separate (and previously drilled) natural gas well, Green Field successfully completed multiple stages in the hydraulic fracturing process on lands leased by EQT Corp.
What this means for the industry is a potentially cleaner method of operating some of the machinery necessary in the hydraulic fracturing process.  Rather than relying on diesel-powered trucks and pumps, Green Field’s Turbine Frac Pump technology uses natural gas, a cleaner and more environmentally friendly fuel than diesel.  Steve Schlotterbeck, Senior VP and President of EQT Exploration and Production noted that this new technology allows companies to “reduce emissions of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and sulfur oxides; as well as decrease the amount of truck traffic on local roads.”
EQT began a program in 2012 to convert a number of their drilling rigs to natural gas-powered rigs, and so far four such rigs have been converted.