Additional Agency Review Could Slow GreenHunter Progress at West Virginia Wastewater Processing Facility

The U.S. Coast Guard recently indicated that GreenHunter Water’s plan to transport brine from hydraulic fracturing via barges may undergo heightened scrutiny, with more federal agencies expected to weigh in on the matter.  In addition to the Coast Guard, the federal agencies reportedly involved in the project discussions are the U.S. EPA, U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Energy, and White House Office of Management and Budget.  Although EPA’s involvement was foreseeable, the involvement of these additional agencies comes as a surprise.  The project review process could involve public hearings, if they are deemed necessary by the agencies.  Additional layers of review will likely delay project approval.  Nevertheless, GreenHunter Water hopes to operate the new processing facility associated with the barge transport project later this year.
