Attorney Jenni Hicks will serve as a conference co-chair for the 15th Appalachia Energy Law Conference (f/k/a Law of Shale Plays Conference), September 4-5, 2024. Focused on legal issues related to onshore energy production, primarily oil and gas production in Appalachia, this conference brings together clients, attorneys, professional landmen, and other professionals to learn and discuss important cases, concepts, and trends. In addition, the conference features multiple networking opportunities with other attendees. For more information, click here.
Attorney Jean Mosites will serve as a panelist for “Legal & Regulatory Trends Panel” at the Oilfield Water Connections’ 3rd Annual Marcellus Shale Water Business Update on Thursday, August 8, 2024. During this conference, more than 100 E&P, midstream, and water service business leaders will gather in Pittsburgh for networking and discussion of the latest produced water industry trends pertaining to commercialization, business risks/opportunities, optimization, and capital allocation. For more information, click here.
Attorney Susanna Bagdasarova will present “Digital Law: Navigating AI in Legal Practice” at the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel’s (ACC) Spring Training on Friday, April 26, 2024. The last year has been characterized by a rapid increase in the interest and awareness of artificial intelligence (AI). This session will provide an overview of the rapidly evolving landscape of AI and its implications for legal professionals. It will cover the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, recent regulatory developments, available legal AI tools, and key considerations for in-house counsel. Join the ACC as they gain insights into developing internal AI use policies and practices, navigating AI use by outside counsel, and understanding and addressing key risks associated with AI implementation by employees and third party vendors, including intellectual property, privacy, and cybersecurity. For more information, click here.
Attorney Mackenzie Moyer will serve as panelist for “PFAS Forever Chemicals and Brownfields – What you need to know” during the Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s PA Brownfields Conference on Wednesday, March 25, 2024. Forever chemicals, also known as PFAS, are everywhere. It’s a local issue and a global issue. As the EPA puts forward new regulations, Brownfields are facing new challenges for due diligence and public engagement. This panel will share current PFAS information and how properties in our region are impacted. They will also discuss appropriate steps to take in due diligence, testing, risk assessment, communication of the risks, and the obligation of owners, property developers, and consultants. For more information, click here.
Attorney Susanna Bagdasarova will present “Understanding the Basics of Artificial Intelligence” at the 2024 Appalachian Land Institute on Thursday, April 4, 2024. For more information, click here.
Attorneys Gina Buchman, Betsy Dupuis and Jean Mosites will present the following topics at PBI’s 2024 Environmental Law Forum, April 10-11, 2024:
Gina Falaschi Buchman (“Basics of Federal and Pennsylvania Air Pollution Regulation”);
Betsy Dupuis (“Land Use/Zoning Law Update”); and
Jean Mosites (“Climate Change Litigation: Past, Present and Future”).
For more information, click here.

Gina Buchman

Betsy Dupuis

Jean Mosites
Attorney Lisa Bruderly along with Gary Steinbauer will present a “Stormwater Update” during the PA Chamber of Business and Industry’s 2023 Annual Environmental Conference on Wednesday, November 15, 2023. For more information, click here.
Attorney Jean Mosites, along with Ben Clapp, will be a panelist for “Legal and Technical Frameworks related to PFAS Contamination” at the Marcellus Shale Coalition’s Shale Insight 2023. This panel will provide an overview of the rapidly developing legal and regulatory frameworks related to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination, a discussion of PFAS considerations that arise in both property transactions and contract negotiations, and EPA’s evolving understanding of treatment and disposal options. For more information, click here.
Attorney Jean Mosites will serve as a panelist for “Legal & Regulatory Trends” at the Oilfield Water Connections’ 2nd Annual Marcellus Shale Water Business Update on Wednesday, August 9, 2023. During this conference, 150 E&P, midstream, and water service business leaders will gather in Pittsburgh for networking and discussion of the latest produced water industry trends pertaining to commercialization, business risks/opportunities, optimization, and capital allocation. For more information, click here.